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Writer's pictureKoncreat

Expanders? A.D.S.-what?

Now and days people are recording their own music. If not, a project studio will. Of course, most studios are in homes or places that are simply converted into a studio. With that said; it's most likely the studio is missing some essential elements, to avoid noise. Or you just got this new sound pack that has noise, or unwanted elements in the sample. How do we fix that?

In the audio world, there is always gonna be some unwanted pickup in recordings. So to fix that, expanders was created. To simply put it without a history lesson, it works similar to a compressor. What ever you set the threshold to, noise below that number shouldn't be audible. So if you had some sort of noise or hum. You can use the expander to lower the noise in your audio.

Now, you have a good sample pack but the snare comes with this annoying reverb or delay that don't fit your song. It's something called A.D.S.R. (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release). This can be use to take off that "extra" unwanted sound. If you don't have this specific option on your sound's editor, you can use a gate. A gate does the same thing but in plugin form. By using the decay knob, it will start to cuff the sound (in milliseconds). Boom! You now have the snare you've always wanted. Full coverage on both expanders and ADSR will be covered in the future. #HappyMixing.

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